Pastor Besa Mulonga

Names: Besa Mulonga

Age: 36 years

E-mail Address: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

Phone Number: +260977573033.

Name of the Church: Jesus The Messiah Ministries/Church

Year of Ordination: 2019

Pastor Mulonga is an International Ordained Minister whose leadership and calling has been confirmed by the College of Bishops of the International Coalition of Fellowships(ICOF), for Ministry and Global Pastors exchange programs please contact him using information provided above.

Apostle Anthony Gabriel Kunda

Age; 33 Years

 Email: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

Phone number: +260971132976

Year ordination: 31st August 2023


Apostle Kunda is an International Ordained Minister whose leadership and calling has been confirmed by the College of Bishops of the International Coalition of Fellowships(ICOF) , for Ministry and Global pastors exchange programs please contact him using information provided above.

The Ordaining Council

The Ordaining Council

The COLLEGE OF BISHOPS constitutes an ordaining council which is responsible for setting apart and ordaining ministers into ministry. The college of bishops has the following mandate High profile and experienced men of God are part of the great company of prophetic and apostolic leadership. The Bishops council shall responsible to constituting the ordaining council and shall by discretion and wisdom invite external ordained and consecrated Bishops for the purpose of external apostolic oversight and fellowship in the Bishopric. Bishops have FIVE main responsibilities:


Ministers shall also be commissioned, licensed and ordained during the convocation. It shall serve as a period for renewal of membership, license and induction of new members and Installation of officers at all levels of ICOF MINISTERS ASSOCIATION.

ICOFMAI School of Ordination

We also provide ordination services and covering. Because we believe in team leadership, our ordaining council is comprised of men and women of God who carry precious gifts and anointing to activate and release men and women into the ministry with hands blend on ministry. Many leaders in ministry are not properly trained, ordained and covered. Through this program we mentor and apprentice men and women in different Admission to the school of ordination follows a long procedure of selecting credible men and women through interviews and recommendation.

The purpose of this school is to preserve holy seed of ministers who will govern cities and keep the gates protected from foreign invasion resulting from Satanism, false doctrines and independent Jezebelianism. In the school of ordination, we teach;

1. Key doctrinal truths for the New Testament Church.

2. Ministerial ethics which govern ministers.

3. Pastoral methods.

4. Spiritual relationships in ministry.

5. Fathering.

6. Biblical Stewardship.

This course is a six-month course which is followed by intensive training, examinations, practical ministry, observation through submission and then official ordination ceremony in the company of credible and recognised apostolic fathers and leaders/eldership. Our ordination certificates and licenses are internationally accepted and recognised.
